For the Diocese’s property and liability coverage renewal, you can expect to see about a 12% increase in the property values listed on your ledger pages.
Keep in mind this is an average. Some locations may see a greater or lower value increase.
Overall, you can expect to see an average increase of 40% to your property and liability coverage charges.
La Diócesis, nos ha informado que el seguro de Propiedad de la Iglesia puede esperar ver un aumento Del 12% en los valores de propiedad que figuran en nuestras páginas de contabilidad.
Tenga en cuenta que esto es un promedio, algunas ubicaciones pueden ver un aumento de valor mayor o menor. En general, puede esperar ver un aumento promedio del 40% en los argos de seguro de propiedad.
Catholic Charities seeking donations for migrants at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Men's (new or clean) clothing needed:
Pants (Size 28-32 waist)
Medium size shirts
Shoes (Sizes 8-10)
Clothing donations can be dropped off at the parish office or Immaculate Heart of Mary. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Please indicate what the donation is for.
Dressing for Holy Mass
Saint Jacinta suffered tremendously while at the hospital from frequent fevers from an abscess on her side, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Hardest of all was that she suffered alone, without family or friends. During her stay there, she confided in Mother Godinho who cared for her, several things of great importance that Our Lady of Fatima had told her:
“More souls go to hell because of sins of impurity more than any other.”
“Certain fashions are going to be introduced that will offend Our Lord very greatly and those who serve God should not follow them.”
Modesty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet. – CCC, Paragraph 2522
Vestirse para la Santa Misa
Santa Jacinta sufrió tremendamente mientras estaba en el hospital con fiebres frecuentes, por un absceso en su costado, pulmonía y tuberculosis. Lo más difícil de todo fue que sufrió sola, sin familia ni amigos.
Durante su estancia allí, confió a la Madre Godinho que la cuidaba, y varias cosas de gran importancia que Nuestra Señora de Fátima le había dicho:
"Más almas van al infierno a causa de los pecados de impureza más que cualquier otro."
"Se van a introducir ciertas modas que ofenderán mucho a Nuestro Señor y aquellos que sirven a Dios no deben seguirlo.
La modestia es decencia. Inspira la elección de la ropa. Guarda silencio o reserva cuando existe un riesgo evidente de curiosidad malsana. Es discreto. – CCC, Paragraph 2522
Marian Coronation
To those who decorated Church inside and outside, all who brought all those beautiful flowers, Folklorico Dancers the Guadalupanas for the convivio, and all who in one way or other helped for it to be a great success.
Many blessings to everyone.
All Catholic Families’ Homes Should Have:
Blessed Wax Candle
Crucifix (not a cross)
Holy Water
Toda Familia Católica Deberían tener estos artículos:
Una Vela de cera
Un Rosario
Crucifigo (No una Cruz)
Agua Bendita
Stellar - Shine Jesus' Light
Vacation Bible School July 24-28!
All CCE Children Welcome (Grades 1- 8)! Adult & Youth Leaders Needed!
Call the CCE office for more information
Meeting for Adult & Youth Leaders for Vacation Bible School
Tuesday, June 6th—6:00 pm
CCE Hall—Room 5 Summer Vacation?
It is so sad to see our church empty during the Summer. Summer does not mean we take a vacation from Holy Mass!
Envelopes are at entrance of Church
Novena starts: June 17th
Novena Del Dia de los Padres Sobres están en la entrada de la Iglesia
Novena empieza: June 17 Commission Meeting for All Ministries
Tuesday, June 13 - 7 p.m.
CCE Bldg. Room 5
All Ministry Heads Need to attend this meeting. Fathers’ Day Novena Envelopes
Envelopes are in back of Church Novena starts: June 17
Novena Del Dia de los Padres
Sobres están atrás de la Iglesia Novena empieza: June 17 Pilgrimage Meeting
Tuesday June 27, 2023
7:00 pm
CCE Building Rm. #5
Mass Book Will Open June 12 for the months of July, August & September.
Libro de Misas estará Abierto Junio 12th Para meses de Julio, Agosto y Septiembre
Sanctus with phonetic pronounciations
Ple-ni sunt cae-li et ter-ra glo-ri-a tu-a
PLAY-nee soont CHAY-lee et TEHR-rah GLO-ree-ah TOO-AH
Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis Ho-SAWN-na een eck-SHELL-sees
Qui ve-nit in no-mi-ne Do-mi-ni
Kwee veh-neet in NO-mee-nay DOH-mee-nee
Ho-san-na in ex-Cel-sis
Ho-SAWN-na een eck-SHELL-sees Comunidad de San Felipe Neri da las gracias a toda la comunidad que hizo posible el evento de la Chalupa Game, y Gracias a Our Lady of the Assumption por permitir este evento en el Salón.
The Community of San Felipe Neri give thanks to all of the community for making the Chalupa Game, and thanks to Our Lady of the Assumption for permitting SFN to use the Hall for this event
Our Lady of Assumption & SFN Mandatory Lector’s Workshop
Thursday July 6 after Mass
7:30pm in Church
Taller, Mandatorio de Lectores
Jueves 6 de Julio después de Misa 7:30pm en La Iglesia Our Lady of the Assumption CHOIR / DANCE CAMP
Open to all OLA CCE Students: Grades 1st-8th
Choose Choir or Dance Camp
July 17th—21st
9:00 am—12:00 pm
Fee: Free to all OLA CCE Students
Register at the CCE Office or Call (956) 423-1765 for more information.
Altar Servers' Retreat
Saturday, July 22
Required for all Altar Servers. Please plan accordingly
Choose Choir or Dance Camp July 17th- 21st 9:00 am—12:00 pm
Fee: Free to all OLA CCE Students
Register at the CCE Office or Call (956) 423-1765 for more information. Instructions on Receiving Holy Communion with Proper Reverence
When you approach, do not go stretching out your open hands or having your fingers spread out, but make the left hand into a throne for the right which shall receive the King, and then cup your open hand and the Body of Christ, the Minister will say “Body/Blood of Christ”; you will respond, by saying 'Amen.'
When receiving in the hand: You must eat the host there and not move out with it in your hand.
The Minister will say “Body/Blood of Christ”; you will respond, by saying 'Amen.' Open your mouth, the Priest will place the Host on your tongue.
Note: We have found hosts in between the pew on the carpet; if you see something, say something.
Begins the second week of August.
Check Bulletin & Parish Website later for Schedule.
It’s your Year to Volunteer! Catechists Needed (CCE Teachers & Staff) for the 2023-2024 CCE Year. All Grades—Once a Week Training and Teacher’s Guides Available Call or come by the CCE office for more information: (956) 423-1765
PRE-REQUISITE ATTENDANCE First Communion: Students are required to attend (with faithful attendance) regular grade level CCE (1st grade+) one (1) year prior to enrolling in the Sacrament Preparation Classes for Penance and First Eucharist.
Confirmation: Students are required to attend (with faithful attendance) regular grade level CCE (8th grade+) one (1) year prior to enrolling in the 2year Confirmation Preparation Classes
Life Teen, Leading Teens Closer to Christ, Youth Leaders Needed!
Young Adults or Youth 11th grade and up
Catechists Needed (CCE Teachers & Staff) for the 2023-2024 CCE Year.
It’s your Year to Volunteer! All Grades—Once a Week Training and Teacher’s Guides Available
Call or come by the CCE office for more information: (956) 423-1765.