Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission: “It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium."
This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s “renewal” proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her experience which processes can help Her to live in communion, to achieve participation, to open Herself to mission.
Listening Session (All Ministers)
Tuesday, February 1
6:30 pm (After Mass)
In the Church
Please take time to share your thoughts on Communion, participation and mission.
Annual World Marriage Day will be celebrated on Saturday, February 2, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
The Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores will celebrate Holy Mass at the Basilica of
Our Lady of San Juan del Valle National Shrine for those celebrating a wedding anniversary of 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or more than 60 years in the year 2022.
They are invited to participate in person or may join through the livestream that will be provided on Facebook and YouTube.
First Friday & First Saturday Devotions
First Friday Mass
February 4 - 6 PM
First Saturday Mass
February 5 - 7 AM
The First Friday devotion and the First Saturday devotion arose from separate private revelations. The First Friday devotion is associated with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, while
the First Saturday devotion is associated with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are two of the most widely popular devotions to Jesus and Mary.
Both devotions involve receiving Holy Communion on a certain number of consecutive first Fridays or first Saturdays of the month.
You can think of it almost like a novena which is prayed on consecutive days for a particular intention, but instead, these devotions are performed on consecutive months.
The devotions are similar in that they call on the faithful to “stand in the gap” by doing penance for sinners, and both give a special promise of Divine assistance at the hour of
death, that is, the promise of dying in a state of grace.
Excerpts from Bishop Daniel E. Flores' Letter
The numbers of persons reported infected with the Omicron variant are rising significantly and quickly in the valley. The symptoms are often mild for those who are vaccinated, but can be more serious and even deadly for those with compromised health conditions or for those who are not vaccinated.
Please, this is not the time to relax the protocols we are using for Mass. The protocols established for the priest celebrating Mass, and for other minister of the altar remain in effect. This means that face coverings are worn when there is proximity to the sacred vessels, and to other ministers.
Faithful face coverings and masks are strongly encouraged.
The rule is: Think of others before you go to Mass.
All Churches and Mission Chapels should continue to sanitize their facilities.
Hand sanitizer should be available.
Holy Water fonts are to remain empty. At the Sign of Peace, with a simple bow of the head.
Holy Communion may be received on the tongue, or in the hand, at the communicant’s discretion.
Ordinary and Extra ordinarily ministers of Holy Communion should use masks and should sanitize their hands before and after the Communion Rite.
Yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Daniel E. Flores, S.T.D. Bishop of Brownsville
Food Health Training Certification
Saturday, February 26
9 AM - Parish Hall
The training is being offered for parishioners participating in future parish food events. Call the parish office at (956) 423-4670 to sign up.
Salud Alimentaria Entrenamiento y Certificación
Para los que van a participar en futuros eventos Parroquial de comida. Llame a (956) 423-4670.
RECONCILIATION RETREAT (Required for all Sacrament Prep Students Classes: Munoz, Montes, Henriquez)
Saturday, February 12 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall
Full Retreat required— No Exceptions. Please plan accordingly.
Confirmation students who did not pass the required memorization evaluation are required to complete an oral interview with the pastor and with their parents present.
The study guides have been issued to students and are available in the CCE office if needed.
Parent/Sponsor Classes Resume
Clase # 4—Español
Martes, 25 de Enero
6:30 pm-8:00 pm
Salon Parroquial
Ash Wednesday Schedule
Vigil (Counts for Wednesday)
Tuesday, March 1
4 PM Mass & Ashes
6 PM Ash Service
Wednesday, March 2
7 AM Ash Service
Noon Ash Service
4 PM Mass & Ashes
6 PM Ash Service
7 PM Ash Service
7 PM Ash Service (San Felipe Neri)
CCE Attendance Guidelines
If a student is experiencing symptoms or has been exposed to someone that is ill, they should not attend CCE class.
It is the responsibility of the parent to pick up classwork in the event the student does not attend class.
A doctor’s excuse is required if an extended absence is due to illness. Parents are responsible for a written excuse to be turned in to the CCE office upon return to CCE. After this the absence will be automatically recorded as an unexcused absence.
FORMED is a website where you can find amazing Catholic videos, movies, audio talks and e-books. Access to the website is completely free when you sign up with the parish code shown above.
Think of it as Netflix for Catholics.
Inscribirse en el Internet a:
FORMED.org/register Entre El Código
o de la Parroquia: VBG9JB
FORMED Es un sitio donde lo mejor que hay en el contenido Católico con mas de 60 organizaciones para ayudar a las Parroquias, familias y personas que quieren explorar su fe. Tendrá acceso a miles de Videos Católicos con programas para estudiar, películas, documentarios, audios de platicas, y libros audio. Le haran que estos materiales le faciliten un viaje spiritual,
Presa de Ascension
Acaba de publicar una clase de la Biblia de un ano en español. Es un podcast
gratis al Publico empezando en enero 2022. Siempre batallamos para hallar
clases de estudio en español. Ahora es una gran oportunidad para nuestra gente
de la comunidad que habla el lenguaje en español. Enlace de revisión esta en:
https://ascensionpress.com/pages/biy-espanol-registration How to go to Confession
Do an examination of conscience and be sorry for your sins.
Go into the confessional and kneel; make the sign of the cross and say, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”
Say, “This is my first confession (or how long has it been)”.
Confess your sins.
Listen to the priest give you penance and absolution.
Pray the Act of Contrition.
Leave the confessional and say the penance that the priest gave and thank God for forgiving your sins.
Roe vs. Wade 49th Anniversary Saturday, January 22
Come to pray the Rosary
BEFORE Mass inside the Church.
Roe vs. Wade 49th Aniversario Sabado, 22 de Enero
Venga ANTES de Misa a rezar el Rosario adentro de la Iglesia.
St. Blaise, Blessing of the Throats Saturday, Feb. 2 & Sunday, Feb. 3
Blaise, was a physician, and Bishop of Sebastea in historical Armenia. According to the Acta Sanctorum, he was martyred by being beaten, attacked with iron combs, and beheaded. He is the patron saint of throats.
Annual World Marriage Day
Will be celebrated on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. The Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores will celebrate Holy Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle National Shrine for those couples celebrating a wedding anniversary of 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or more than 60 years in the year 2022.
They are invited to participate in person or may join through the livestream that will be provided on Facebook and YouTube. These couples will receive by mail ribbons designating years of marriage and an anniversary certificate signed by the Bishop.
To register for this event, call the Family Life Office at (956) 784-5012 or email Lydia Riojas, FLO Secretary, at
[email protected] by Friday, January 21, 2022 at the latest. Please provide your full names, mailing address, anniversary date and number years being celebrated.