64th Anniversary Our Lady of the Assumption
Update Bishop Daniel E. Flores, Protocol: We will resume the placement of Holy Water in fonts in the church.
Ushers Meeting Thursday, February 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church.
April raffle tickets have been mailed out. Tickets are available in the parish office. Come by the office to pick up tickets also.
Last day for March baptism registration is Friday, February 24.
Mass Intentions Book is opened for 2023 February and March
Kermes Booth (Only four have signed up as of Jan. 22) sign up not by calling the parish office.
until Sunday, February, 12
Kermes Tentative is April 22
Anyone who has a booth or would like to is asked to call office to sign up at (956) 423-4670.
Casetas de Kermes Comida – Juegos A quienes tengan una caseta o les Gustaría, se les pide que llame a la Oficina a (956)423-4670
Kermes Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 15 7 p.m.
in the Church
Junta de Kermes Martes 14 de febrero después de la Misa de 6pm en el Salón Parroquial.
If you would like to donate. We need monetary donations or gift cards made out to Our Lady of the Assumption.
Other donations needed:
Cokes, Sprites, Diet Cokes
Please bring donations to the office.
Eucharistic Training Workshop All EMOHC required to attend
English & Spanish
Date: Thursday, Feb. 23rd
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Church
Knights of Columbus, Council 11070 Corporate Communion
Sunday, February 26 at Noon Mass
Confessions Our Lady of the Assumption
Every Thursday after Mass 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
or ask priest after any Mass or by appointment
San Felipe Neri
Sunday 7:45
Conferencia Annual Carismatica 25 de Febrero
Lugar: McAllen Convention Center
Hora: 9a.m. – 7 p.m.
Fecha: Sabado, 25 de Febrero
Tel. Info: (956) 241-9058; (956) 451-5559
Conferencia Anual Carismática llenos y encendidos por el Espíritu Santo en la Eucaristía. Conferencia; Hora Santa; Testimonios; Misa. Exemo. Y Rvmo. Mons. Obispo Daniel E. Flores; Padre Chilo; Padre Alfonso Guevara; y Hermana Margarita Ruiz
Do not use the new back parking lot behind the Parish Hall; otherwise, the new work will be damaged.
Parent / Sponsor Class # 5 Clase # 5—Para Padres y Padrinos de Estudiantes preparando para Sacramentos
15 de Febrero 2023—Español
6:30 pm—Salón Parroquial
Give God your Time and Talent
Saturday, March 4
Sunday, March 5
Cuaresma Denle su Tiempo y Talento a Dios
Sábado, 4 de Marzo
Domingo, 5 de Marzo
New Mexico Pilgrimage July 15 - 21
(7 Days)
$1,300 includes tour bus transportation
Sat. July 15: Harlingen to Carlsbad, New Mexico
Sun. July 16: Carlsbad, Caverns National Park, N.M. Santa Fe
Mon.July 17: Santa Fe to Chimayo, Taos
Tue.July 18: Santa Fe to Jemez Hot Springs, Loretto Chapel, San Miguel Mission
Wed. July 19: Santa Fe, River Rafting, Espanola, Albuquerque
Thur. July 20: Albuquerque: Old Town & San Felipe Neri
Fri. July 21: San Antonio: San Fernando, Little Flower, Grotto of Lourdes then to Harlingen
Last day to register: May 1, 2023
RECONCILIATION RETREAT (Required for all Sacrament Prep Students Classes: Toscano, Munoz, Montes, Cumpian) Saturday, February 25 / 8:30—11:30 am
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall
Full Retreat required— No Exceptions.
Please Plan accordingly.
REQUIRED LENT RETREAT For all Confirmation 1 & 2 Students Saturday, March 4 8:00 am—(TBA)
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall
Full Retreat required—No Exceptions
Please Plan accordingly.
Donations needed:
Soft drinks
Individual bags of cookies, snacks, and chips
Sweat Breat
Breakfast juice
Please drop off donations at the CCE office.
Ash Wednesday Schedule/Miércoles de Ceniza
Vigil Tuesday, February 21
4 PM Mass & Ashes
6 PM Ash Service
Wednesday, February 22
7 AM Mass & Ashes
Noon Ash Service
4 PM Ash Service
6 PM Ash Service
7 PM Ash Service
7 PM (San Felipe) Ash Service
Spring Break NO CCE classes the week of March 12 - March 15
Estaciones de la Cruz – Bilingüe
Guiada por Comisiones y organizaciones; cada viernes a las 6:00 pm (All invited to participate, Todos invitados a participar) (Usamos nuestros libritos de las estaciones)
Feb. 24th Altar Servers & EMOHC SFN
Mar. 3rd All Lectors & Choirs Assumption
Mar. 10th Ushers and KC SFN
Mar. 17th Funerals & Communion to Sick Assumption
Mar. 24th Married Couples & Altar Society SFN
Mar. 31st All San Felipe Ministries Assumption