All Sacrament Prep-Eucharist class children (Mrs. Munoz’ Class) have been assigned to participate in the Nativity Story for Christmas Eve Mass on
Friday, December 24, at 4 p.m.
Practice Schedule
Tuesday, December 7 - 6 PM Parish Hall
Tuesday, December 14 - 6 PM Church
Monday, December 20 - 6 PM Church
Tuesday, November 30 - 6 PM Parish Hall
All costumes will be provided. The day of your assigned Mass, please arrive one hour early to the CCE Hall to get in costume.
ALL RCIC/Y year 2 students (Ms. Henriquez & Mrs. Montes classes) have been assigned to participate in the Navity Story for the Christmas Mass on
Saturday, December 25 at noon.
Practice Schedule Tuesday, November 30 - 6 PM Parish Hall
Tuesday, December 7 - 6 PM Parish Hall
Tuesday, December 14 - 6 PM Church
Monday, December 20 - 5:30 PM Church
All costumes will be provided. The day of your assigned Mass, please arrive one (1) hour early to the CCE Hall to get in costume.
All Confirmation Students have been assigned to participate in the Nativity Play for either the Midnight Mass (Confirmation 2—Tovar & Martinez Classes) or
December 25 10 AM Mass Confirmation 1 — Sanchez and Serna Classes on the 25th.
Some of the young ladies have been assigned to participate as angels and will perform a dance as part of the play. The dance practices will be on separate day.
Practice Schedule Sunday, November 14 - 1:30 PM Parish Hall
Sunday, November 21 - 1:30-3:00 PM Parish Hall
Sunday, December 5 - 3 PM Church
Saturday, December 18 - 9:30 AM - Noon Church
Sunday, December 19, 2021 1:30pm-3:30pm (Dress Rehearsal)
All costumes will be provided. The day of your assigned Mass, please arrive one (1) hour early to the CCE Hall to get in costume.
Boys wear leather sandals (NO sneakers please). T-shirts with no collar and no logo on front and shorts. It gets hot inside the church with the costumes.
Girls wear sandals or flats. White or light-colored t-shirt with no collar and no logo on the front and tights or leggings under the costumes.
Free Christmas Raffle
Fr. Ruben will pick winner from envelopes from each Mass collection. Make sure you write name, address, and telephone number on envelopes. Father will announce winner when pulled out from box at all Masses.
Friday, December 24
4 PM OLA Childrens Mass
9 AM San Felipe Drama en vivo
11 PM Caroling
Saturday, December 25
12 AM Midnight Drama
10 AM OLA Live Drama live drama
Noon Christmas Mass live drama
Christmas Break No CCE classes
December 20 — January 1
All CCE classes resume January 2.
Christmas Holiday The office will be closed Friday, December 24 and Monday, December 27.
Stewardship Advent
Follow Precepts and Register Precepts of Catholic Church
Fasting & Abstinence
Attending Mass & Holidays
Help the needs of the Parish
January Parish Envelopes
Throw 2021 envelopes
2022 envelopes have been mailed
Begin using envelopes on January 1, 2022
Confessions in Church Sunday, Dec. 19
Starting at 6 PM
Monday, December 20th
Lunes 20 de diciembre
Todos Invitados a
San Felipe Neri Mission
1706 Rangerville Rd. Harlingen
Blessing of all Wallets and Purses on Saturday and Sunday
December 4 and 5
Blessing of Statues of Baby Jesus Saturday and Sunday
December 18 & 19 after every Mass
Bendeciremos Imágenes del Nino Jesús
Sábado Y Domingo 18th y 19th de Diciembre
después de cada Misa
Bring Chalk to be Blessed On December 24-26
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
for the blessing of your home
Thank You, Guadalupanas for the Tamales Sale.
Bendición de las doce velas Buy 12 Candles
Light one candle every 1st of the Month
Encienda una veladora el primer día del mes
Una tradición invita a los cristianos a llevar doce velas o Veladoras a la Iglesia para que sean
bendecidas por el Sacerdote ó el Diácono.
Es una devoción con la que, a lo largo de todo el año, se expresa la confianza en la Divina Providencia, cada día primero del mes, en actitud de oración, cuando se enciende una de las velas.
La flama que en nuestros hogares, ante una imagen sagrada, va consumiendo la cera, representa la oración confiada y al mismo tiempo, la luz de Cristo resucitado, que ilumina nuestra vida de bautizados.
Antes de llevar las velas para que sean
bendecidas, es muy conveniente tener un rato de reflexión sobre lo que significa la confianza en Dios. Puede leerse en familia o individualmente el pasaje del Evangelio de San Mateo 6, 25-34.
Oración para ofrecer las Velas:
Señor, al iniciar un nuevo año regalo de tu generosidad, quiero expresar mi confianza en tu paternal providencia, te pido que al encender cada una de estas velas, el día primero de cada mes, no solo renueve mi confianza en ti, sino que también refuerce el compromiso de vivir como Jesús nos enseña, ayudando con su gracia. Amen.
Next Baptisms in English will be in January 2022. Register in December.
Texas Rally for Life in Austin January 22
Join us in defending life at the Texas Rally for Life on January 22, 2022 in Austin.
Cost of $25.00 includes transportation, breakfast and dinner plus a CDOB Pro-Life T-Shirt for this all – day event.
4 AM Depart from Basilica for Austin.
10 AM Mass for the Gift of Human Life
1 PM March to the Texas Capitol
2 PM Rally for Life
3 PM Free time (tour the Capitol and Cathedral)
5 PM Return trip home. With stop for dinner
11 PM Arrive in San Juan
For more information and to register, contact Norma Montalvo at (956)784-5035 or (956) 475-6022 (cell); or by email at
[email protected].
Mary, Mother of God 7 AM Mass
The U.S. Bishops say this year is not a Holy Day of Obligation.