All Eucharistic & Communion to the Sick Ministers Makeup Mandatory Meeting
Saturday, August 21
10 AM in Church
Remember your sick loved ones
Be Aware
Diocese of Brownsville has announced that Bishop John Parnell, from the Mexican National Catholic Church and St. Augustin Catholic Church in Fort Worth, has been advertising that he will be in the Diocese of Brownsville to celebrate baptisms, first communions, confirmation, weddings, quinceaneras, house blessings, etc.
Please be advised that Mexican National Catholic Church is not in union with Rome, therefore, the sacraments he celebrates are illicit according to the Roman Catholic Church.
Diocese of Brownsville Announces the ordination to the Sacred Order of Diaconate of Genaro Garza III by The Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores Bishop of Brownsville Pray for Him
Are inviting women 18 yrs. & older to become members. The goal is to serve Our Lord through various church ministries and church projects. Sign-up sheet is outside the church after Mass.
If interested call:
Linda Alvarez (956) 493-1438
Christina Garcia (956) 873-0126
Dolores Jaimez (956) 245-0630
Deadline to Apply is September 12, 2021
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Masses Sat. & Sun. August 14th & 15th
We will celebrate our Patroness Feast Day.
Donate for Rummage Sale Planned for October
Donations bicycles furniture, decorations, wall frames art pictures lamps purses radios clocks cookware, or glass wear. Please bring to the office. Not accepting clothing.
Pray for all those Starting school: Students, Teachers, Administrators Bus Drivers and all Support Staff.
Christ our Teacher, You dwell deep within each of our students; In those who struggle academically, and in those who excel; In those who seek attention by acting out, and in those who remain silent and try to hide from notice; In those surrounded by friends, and in those feeling lonely; Give us the grace to know your presence in each of them and to respond to their needs as you would to ours. Amen.
Weekly Offertory & Daily Collections
We have plastic boxes at the entrance doors in the Church for you to drop off Offertory Envelopes or currency contributions, also in front of the office in the black box you can drop off.
Sobres de Ofertorio y Contribución durante la Semana
En las entradas de las puertas de la Iglesia hay cajas de plástico para depositar su sobre de Ofertorio o su contribución. También en frente de la oficina en la caja negra puede depositarlos.
All Lectors Annual Makeup Mandatory Meeting
Wednesday, August 18
7 PM
in the Church
Need yard person for one day. See Fr. Rubén.
Necesito persona un día para la yarda comuníquese con Fr. Rubén
September Baptisms
Registration for English Baptism is in August. Parents must live in the area of Our Lady of Assumption. Godparents must have all sacraments.
Registrations are on Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
CCE REGISTRATION Beginning: August 10, 2021
Children should register for CCE at OLA in the First Grade. And should participate in CCE until 12th grade.
First Communion Requirements:
1st Grade + Pre-Requisite Grade level Formation
Year 1—Penance (Reconciliation) - 2nd Grade
Year 2—Eucharist—3rd Grade
Confirmation Requirements:
8th Grade + Pre-Requisite Grade level Formation
9th Grade—Confirmation Prep—Year 1
10th Grade—Confirmation Prep—Year 2
No registration for sacrament classes will be accepted without the proper proof of sacraments or birth certificate (long form).
Request them now to prepare for registration.
Catechists Needed (CCE Teachers & Staff) for the 2021-2022 CCE Year. All Grades (Once a Week) Training and Teacher’s Guides Available
Call the CCE office for more Information: (956) 423-1765