Rummage Sale Furniture, & Glassware
Friday, August 26 & Saturday, August 27
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Accepting Donations for Rummage Sale Glassware, cookware kitchen utensils, pots and pans can openers, mixers, coffee pots, Knick knacks, decorations, irons, blenders, lamps, clocks, frames, sewing machines, bicycles. etc.
Bring items to the office. At this time, we are not accepting clothes.
CCE Teachers & Staff Needed for the 2022-2023 CCE Year. All Grades—Once a Week
Training and Teacher’s Guides Available
Call (956) 423-1765 or come by the CCE office for more information.
New and Returning Altar Servers Meeting
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
4:30pm in the Church
All boys/girls willing to serve Jesus as an Altar Server, you are welcome to attend. You must have First Holy Communion and be attending CCE
Our Lady of Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Mass Sunday, August 14, 2022
Vigil 6 p.m.
Bishop Daniel E. Flores will celebrate our Patroness Feast Day followed by dinner in the Parish Hall
Eucharistic Ministry of Holy Communion Meeting Wednesday, August 9
4:30pm in the Church
For all new members; from all Masses are welcome to join the EMOHC Ministry.
Matrimonios Católicos Comunitarios ¡GRATUITOS!
INSCRIPCIONES: 1ero de agosto al 31 de agosto
PREPARACION: Comienza en septiembre
CELEBRACION: Sabado, 11 de febrero
Food Handling Distribution Ministry
Drivers needed once a month To pick up commodities for distribution. Call the office (956) 423-4670 to sign up.
Coming Event
Each Sunday of August
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
CCE Office
Tue., Aug. 9– Thur., Aug. 11
2:00 pm-7:00 pm—CCE Office
Tue., Aug. 16 – Thur., Aug 18
2:00 pm-7:00 pm—CCE Office
Tue., Aug. 23– Thur., Aug 25
2:00 pm-7:00 pm—CCE Office
No registration will be accepted without proper documents
(Original Long Form Birth Certificate/Sacrament Certificates as applicable).
CCE Fees
All Grade Level CCE Classes: $25.00
Sacramental Preparation Classes (Penance/Eucharist RCIC-Y): $40.00
Confirmation Class Yr 1 & 2 $55.00
RCIA Prep Classes $65.00
The CCE Fee will cover the price of the textbook for each student. Due to covid protocols, each student will be issued a book that they will keep for their own personal use.
No reimbursements once book has been issued.
For families with multiple students’ fees are set on a sliding scale. Please see DRE for more information.
Bottled Water (8 oz. size) - Water needed throughout the year.
White Cardstock (Letter Size)
Lysol/Microban Spray
Blessing of the Backpacks
Get ready for the start of a new school year with prayer and blessings. Students and Teachers, please bring your Backpacks / School bags for a special blessing Saturday August 13th & Sunday August 14th at all Masses.
Leader's Meeting
We need Teens & Young Adults who would like to join the Youth Ministry Team Monday, August 22, 2022 6:30 pm—CCE Hall
Please call the CCE office for more information: (956) 423-176