Required for all Confirmation Prep & Christian Initiation Students: Grades 9 - 12
Starts Sundays, September 8 Noon Mass + 1 PM - 3 PM Conference Room - Parish Hall
Youth Leaders Needed!
Young Adults or Youth 11th Gr. + Core Team Meeting Monday, August 5 6 p.m. CCE HallCall (956) 423-1765 or come by the CCE office for more information
Healthy Homes Program
The City of Harlingen is offering help with home various repairs or improvement through the Healthy Homes Program. They can add mobility ramps, add/repair restrooms, repair roofs, and some electrical issues. Applications are available:
Must be 62 years of age +
Low to moderate income families
Must live within Harlingen city limits
Protecting God's Children Training Required by Diocese for all Catechists / CCE Staff & Ministries Please bring valid State issued I.D. or D.L. Background check is required. The training needs to be renewed every five years. Monday, August 26 6 PM CCE Hall
Please call the CCE office (956) 423-1765 for more information CCE Needs
The CCE office is looking for donations of the following items:
Copy paper (letter size and 11x17)
White Cardstock paper 8 ½ 11 and 11 x 17
Pocket Folders
Lysol Spray
Crayons (16 or 24 count packs)
Bottled water (8 oz.)
13-Gallon Trash Bags
Reminder No Talking inside the Church after all Masses. Step Outside, Reverencing the Eucharist and the Altar (Before, During and After Mass)
New Children's Choir
Open to all OLA CCE Students (1st-6th Gr.)
Must attend Practice as scheduled.
Will sing at Mass once or twice a month and at Christmas Children’s Mass.
Call the CCE office to join.
September Baptisms
Registration for English Baptism is in August. Parents must live in the area of Our Lady of the Assumption. Godparents must have all sacraments.
Friday First Mass
September 6 6 PM First Saturday Mass September 7 7 AM
Men’s Group Meeting Tuesday, August 27 After 6 PM Mass Junta De Hombres Sala de Conferencia Martes 27 de agosto Después de Misa de 6 p.m.
Catechist Workshop for all CCE Teachers & Staff Saturday, August 31 8:30 a.m. - Noon Parish Hall
Christian Initiation for Adults
Anyone 18 yr. old + lacking Sacraments such as Baptism, First Eucharist or Confirmation. ·
Couples who are in a civil (J.P.) or common law marriage and would like to get married by the Church
Please call the CCE office for more information. Labor Day Holiday Office Will Be Closed Monday, September 2
***** Dia del Trabajo Oficina cerrada Lunes 2ndo de septiembre
Healing Mass/Misa De Sanacion
St. Peregrine (Patron of Cancer) Anointing of the sick
San Felipe Neri Wednesday, September 4 6 PM
Misa De Sanacion San Felipe Neri Miércoles 4 de Septiembre 6 PM Unción de los Enfermos San Peregrino
Required Parent Orientation/Orientación Requerida para Padres de Niños en preparación para Sacramentos
Penance & Eucharist / Reconciliación y Eucaristía Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 PM Parish Hall - Salon Parroquial
Confirmation / Confirmación Wednesday, September 18 at 6:30 PM Parish Hall - Salon Parroquial
Wednesday October 9 English Teaching Mass 6:00 p.m. for all Parents and Sponsors
Miércoles 23 de Octubre 6:00 pm Misa en español de aprendizaje, para padres, y padrinos
October Respect Life Abortion is not the answer!
Walking with Moms invites all to support life by bring new baby items and placing them in the boxes at Church entrance.
Pro Life Procession-Rosary Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024 OLA parking lot 6 PM October Raffle
Grand Prize: $4,000.00 Mastercard
Drawing: Sunday, October 13 after Noon Mass Parish Hall Stop by the Parish Office for tickets
There has been a 5% increase on our insurance to $60,570.00.
Need Monetary Donations, and Gift Cards. Need donations of Roasters, Electric Fryer, Set of Pots & Pans/ Toaster Oven, etc.
******** Necesitamos Donaciones Monetarias y Tarjetas de Regalo Necesitamos regalos de Tostadoras, Freidoras, Juego de ollas y Sartenes, Etc.
Chalupa (Bingo) Fundraiser Assumption Parish Hall Sunday October 13, 2024 Starts at 1 PM
*Chalupa Cards Provided - No outside cards permitted*
Lunch Opens at 11:00am
Plato de Tacos Hot Dogs Nachos Popcorn Pastries Water Soft Drinks
Donation: $20.00 for 4 Cards
Proceeds for OLA Property Insurance Mary's Pantry Open Tuesdays 9 AM – 11 AM
Recipients must:
live in the Our Lady of the Assumption area.
provide a picture ID
provide two utility bills with matching addresses
Requerida para asistencia. Identificación con foto de persona, dos facturas con mismas direcciones, y vivir en el límite de la Iglesia de la Asunción.
Food Pantry Needs
Rice (One-pound bag only)
Dispensa de Alimentos Necesitamos donaciones de arroz, bolsa de una libra
Mass Book Opens/Se Abre Libro Para Misas
Tuesday September 10, 2024 for October, November, & December
Martes 10 de Septiembre 2024 para October, November, & December