First Friday Mass Friday, April 7 6 PM Holy Thursday Candles
Guadalupanas will be selling tickets after all Sat. & Sun. Masses
Cirio Pascual $10.00 Pascal Candles $10.00 Chrism Mass
Everyone is invited! ¡Todos están Invitados!
The Chrism Mass for the blessing of sacramental oils at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan is on Tuesday, April 4, at 6:30 pm. All priests ministering in the Diocese of Brownsville will renew their priestly promise before Bishop Daniel Flores as the whole Church celebrates their institution of Christian Priesthood.
A mixture of oil, balsam, or balm, used for liturgical Anointing – for Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, the blessing of an altar and in former days the coronation of kings. Its symbolism is both royal and priestly, therefore fitting for both the royal and priesthood of all Christians and the Hierarchical priesthood of Orders. Holy Week Schedule 2023 / Horario de la Semana Santa
Palm Sunday/Domingo de Palmas (April 1-2)
Wednesday (April 5) Lent Confessions at Our Lady of the Assumption at 6 p.m. with Fr. Ruben
Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo (April 6) 7 PM - Misa de la Última Cena 7 PM - Mass of the Lords Supper 8 PM – 11 PM - Adoration 11 PM - Repose/Reposo Holy Friday/Viernes Santo (April 7) 3 PM - Stations of the Cross/Estaciones de la Cruz at San Felipe Neri 7:30 PM - Drama de la Pasión en Vivo/Veneración de La Cruz This will be held outdoors at San Felipe Neri.
Bring hats or umbrellas/Se les sugiere llevar sillas, o lounge chairs, para sentarse
If it's too raining or the grounds at San Felipe Neri are too wet, this will be held at the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall. Holy Saturday/Sabado de Gloria (April 8) 7 PM - Easter Vigil Mass/Misa de la Vigilia Pascual Easter Sunday Masses (April 9) 8 AM - San Felipe Neri 10 AM - Our Lady of Assumption Noon - Our Lady of Assumption No Habra Grupo de Oración Martes 4 de Abril Vayan a la Misa de Chrism/San Juan 6:30 p.m. The parish offices will be closed Holy Thursday (April 6), Good Friday (April 7), and Easter Monday (April 10). The Sacred Paschal Triduum
No Funeral Masses can be celebrated on Holy Thursday, Holy Friday, or Saturday Easter Vigil.
April raffle tickets have been mailed out. Tickets are available in the parish office. Come by the office to pick up tickets also or to turn in the tickets and money. Veterans' PTSD Meeting Thursday, April 13 After Holy Hour (7:30 p.m.) in the Church First Communion Kits Available in the CCE Office $20 each Kit includes: Mass Book, Rosary, Scapular, & Pin Volunteers Needed to help set up Kermes Booths Men and Women Monday, April 17 9 a.m. Forty Hour Devotion at St. Anthony Church
Saint Anthony popularized the Forty Hours (40 Hour) Devotion, where the Blessed Sacrament is Exposed Over a three-day period corresponding to Christ's 40 hours in the tomb.
The Harlingen Deanery, which consists of nine parishes, will be having a 40-hour devotion, beginning Tuesday, April 25 at 7 p.m. and continuing until noon on Thursday, April 27. St. Anthony Church will host the devotion, and each parish will have different assigned times to make sure someone is always present throughout the 40 hours.
Our Lady of Assumption's assigned time is the early morning hours of Wednesday, April 26:
April 26 - 1 a.m. April 26 - 2 a.m. April 26 - 3 a.m. April 26 - 4 a.m. April 26 - 5 a.m.
There will be a sign-up sheet in the back up of the church for those who'd like to participate. is a website where you can find amazing Catholic videos, movies, audio talks and e-books. It’s completely FREE when you sign up with the parish code VBG9JB. Think of it as Netflix for Catholics. es un sitio web el cual podra encontrar maravillo contenido Católico en Español como; películas, platicas, libros etc., completamente GRATUITO cuando se registre con el código parroquial VBG9JB.