Dress appropriately.
Please Dress Appropriately for Mass & CCE
No shorts.
No pajamas.
No crop tops or revealing blouses or dresses.
No obscene or vulgar t-shirts or clothing promoting the occult, alcohol/drug use, etc.
No phones/electronics during Mass.
Arrive early for Mass. Give yourself time to prepare for Mass by praying and inviting Jesus into your heart.
Remember to Fast one hour before Mass. No food or drink.
Remember, the Church is the house of God. Meditate, contemplate, or speak to God mentally. NO TALKING.
Keep your focus on the TABERNACLE don’t turn to look back or around you.
Participate fully by singing with the choir. Respond to the Mass prayers, and kneel and stand when appropriate.
Do not walk in when the readings or Gospel are being shared. God is speaking and you are keeping others from listening. If you arrive after the Liturgy of the Word (Readings/Homily), you have not attended a full Mass.
Offer the Sign of Peace to the people within your pew; do not go to other pews.
During and after Communion everyone should remain kneeling (even those who did not receive Communion) until the Priest/Deacon has closed the Tabernacle and has finished putting away the vessels WHICH CONTAIN THE Holy Eucharist. Spend time in prayer—Jesus is present.
Do not leave the Mass until after the final blessing and after the Priest/Ministers have left the Altar.