Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1 Sunday 10 AM Choir | 2 EMOCH | 3 (at 6 p.m.) 1/2 EMOHC | 4 All altar servers | |
7 Communion to the sick | 8 Noon choir | 9 San Felipe Ushers | 10 (at 6 p.m.) 1/2 EMOHC OLA | 11 Knights of Columbus |
14 Spanish lectors | 15 Widows group & Marriage sponsor couple | 16 San Felipe Lectors | 17 (at 6 p.m.) Laymen | 18 Altar society |
21 English lectors | 22 Ushers | 23 Cleaning team | 24 (at 6 p.m.) Food distribution & Baptism team | 25 Guadalupanas |
28 Money counters & Walkiing with Moms | 29 Funeral rosary | 30 Tesoros de Mexico | 31 (at 6 p.m.) 4 PM Choir |