Pick up candels after All Souls Mass or in the parish office.
Donate Bottle Water For CCE Students
Students are allowed to bring bottled water to CCE class. For safety reasons, the water fountains have been disabled.
No other food or drinks are allowed in CCE classroom.
Thank you very much to all those who have donated water.
Thanksgiving Holiday
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Wednesday, November 24
6 PM
Thursday, November 25
8 AM San Felipe Neri
10 AM Our Lady of the Assumption
Parish Office Closed
Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26
will not be CCE on Thanksgiving Week, beginning Monday, November 22—Sunday, November 28.
CCE Classes will resume on Monday, November 29
May you and your family have a safe & blessed Thanksgiving.
Guadalupanas Tamales Sale
They will be taking orders for the next four weeks, starting October 16 for:
Pork Tamales
Bean Tamales
Boracho Tamales
which will be delivered in front of the Parish Hall
Sunday, December 19
Synod Prayer
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the
wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.
Oracion del Sinodo
Estamos ante ti, Espiritu Santo, reunidos en tu nombre. Tu que eres nuestro verdadero consejero: ven a nosostros, apoyanos, entra en nuestros corazones. Ensenanos como alcanzar la meta. Impide que perdamos el rumbo como personas debiles y pecadoras. No permitas que la ignorancia nos lleve por falsos caminos. Conducenos a la unidad en ti, para que no nos desviemos del camino de la verdad y la justicia, sino que en nuestro peregrinaje terrenal nos esforzemos por alcanzar la vida eterna. Esto te lo pedimos a ti, que obras en todo tiempo y lugar, en communion con el Padre y el Hijo por los siglos de los siglos.
La fase diocesana del Sinodo 2023 comenzara este fin de semana
El Papa Francisco recientemente abrio un camino sinodal de tres años para toda la Iglesia. La accion sinodal constara de tres fases (diocesana, nacional, y universal) de consulta y discernimiento, culminando con el Sinodo de los Obispos en 2023.
El domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021, Monseñor Flores anunciara el inicio de la fase diocesana y pedira una semana de oracion al Espiritu Santo.
Unase a nosotros en oracion para que nuestro trabajo conjunto como Iglesia local en el esfuerzo sinodal se agregue en la oracion, sea guiado por el Espiritu Santo y de fruto en una renovacion en la gracia de nuestra communion y mission en la Diocesis.
n the Roman Catholic branch of the Christian faith, certain holidays are set aside as those on which Catholics are expected to attend Mass services. These are known as Holy Days of Obligation. In the United States, there are six such days that are observed.
However, in the United States and other countries, the
bishops have received permission from the Vatican to abrogate (temporarily waive) the requirement for Catholics to attend Mass services on certain Holy Days of Obligation when those Holy Days fall on either Saturday or Monday. Because of this, some Catholics have become confused about whether certain Holy Days are, in fact, Holy Days of Obligation or not.
All Saints Day (November 1, 2021) is one such Holy Day.
(NOT a Holy Day of Obligation.)
Proximo Bautismos En noviembre
Seran en espanol
Registraciones son
en Octubre
Welcome Back Fr. Terrance P. McGrath
Father Terrance will be with us the first week of November God willing. We wish him a
safe trip coming back.
Veterans Day November 6 & 7
We invite you to bring a picture of your loved ones (With phone number on back) to remember them on the Altarcito.
Se les invita traer un foto de sus seres queridos (con numero de teléfono atras) para conmemorarlos en el Altarcito.
Daylight Savings Time Sunday, November 7, 2021