The parish office will be closed on Monday, July 5.
New Altar Servers Workshop Wednesday, June 23
7 PM
Any boy or girl wanting to join this ministry is welcome to attend this very important training/meeting
Mass Book is Open
For months of July, August & September.
Libro de Misas esta Abierto
Para meses de Julio, Agosto y Septiembre
September Baptisms
Registration for English Baptism is in August. Parents must live in the area of Our Lady of Assumption. Godparents must have all sacraments.
Men’s/Discernment Retreat Saturday, July 24
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Please register by June 23, 2021.
A virtual Bible study will begin soon. It's called "The Bible and the Virgin Mary: A Journey through Scripture." You can
find more information on the Adult Faith Study page. Fathers’ Day Novena June 19 - 26
Novena envelopes are available
St. Joseph
Patron saint of all fathers.
Mysteries of the St. Joseph Rosary
1. Betrothal to Mary (Mt 1:18).
2. Annunciation to Joseph (Mt 1:19-21).
3. Birth and Naming of Jesus (Mt 12-25).
4. Flight into Egypt (Mt 2:13-15).
5. Hidden Life at Nazareth (Mt 2:23; Lk 2:51-52)
“HAIL JOSEPH” (in place of Hail Mary)
Hail, Joseph, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed are you among all men,
And blessed is you foster Child, Jesus.
Holy Joseph, guardian of the Son of God,
Pray for us Sinners,
Now, and at the hour of our death.
CCE REGISTRATION Beginning: August 10, 2021
Children should register for CCE at OLA in the First Grade. And should participate in CCE until 12th grade.
First Communion Requirements:
1st Grade + Pre-Requisite Grade level Formation
Year 1—Penance (Reconciliation) - 2nd Grade
Year 2—Eucharist—3rd Grade
Confirmation Requirements:
8th Grade + Pre-Requisite Grade level Formation
9th Grade—Confirmation Prep—Year 1
10th Grade—Confirmation Prep—Year 2
No registration for sacrament classes will be accepted without the proper proof of sacraments or birth certificate (long form).
Request them now to prepare for registration.
Catechists Needed (CCE Teachers & Staff) for the 2021-2022 CCE Year.
Call the CCE office for more Information: (956) 423-1765