Monday thru Thursday
9:00 – 11:30am
1:00 – 4:30pm
First Friday Mass Friday Feb. 5
6 PM
First Saturday Mass Saturday Feb.
7 AM
St. Blaise Blessing of the Throats Saturday, Feb. 6 & Sunday, Feb. 7
Blaise, was a physician, and Bishop of Sebastea in historical Armenia. According to the
Acta Sanctorum, he was martyred by being beaten, attacked with iron combs, and beheaded.
He is the Patron saint of throats.
6 de Febrero 2021 y 7 de Febrero 2021
Después de cada Misa
Bishop Protocol
We will continue enforcing the bishop's protocol on church seating capacity, which is six-feet distancing and wearing a mask.
After reaching seating limit, we will close the doors. We cannot go over seating capacity limit.
Stay safe!
Ash Wednesday Schedule / Miércoles de Ceniza
Vigil Mass
Tuesday, February 16
6 PM
Wednesday, February 26
Mass 7 AM
Ash Services Noon
Ash Service 4 PM
Ash Services 6 PM
San Felipe Neri Mass 6 PM
Distribution of Ashes in Time of Pandemic
The Priest says the prayer for blessing the ashes. He sprinkles the ashes with holy water, without saying anything. Then he addresses all those present and only once says the formula as it appears in the Roman Missal, applying it to all in general: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”, or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. The Priest then cleanses his hands, puts on a face mask and distributes the ashes to those who come to him or, if appropriate, he goes to those who are standing in their places. The Priest takes the ashes and sprinkles them on the head of each one without saying anything.
Imposición de la ceniza en tiempo de pandemia
Pronunciada la oración de bendición de las cenizas y después de asperjarlas, sin decir nada, con el agua bendita, el sacerdote se dirige a los presentes, diciendo una sola vez para toda la fórmula del Misal Romano: «Convertíos y creed en el Evangelio», o bien: «Acuérdate de que eres polvo y al polvo volverás». Después, el sacerdote se limpia las manos y se pone la mascarilla para proteger la nariz y la boca, después impone la ceniza a cuantos se acercan a él o, si es oportuno, se acerca a cuantos están de pie en su lugar. El sacerdote toma la ceniza y la deja caer sobre la cabeza de cada uno, sin decir nada.
Stations of the Cross (All invited to participate)
Guiada por Comisiones y organizaciones; cada Viernes a las 6:00 pm
(Usamos nuestros libritos de las Estaciones)
Feb. 19
SFN Lectors/Ushers Ministers
Feb. 26
OLA Choir/Altar Server Ministers
Mar. 5
SFN All Ministers
Mar. 12
OLA Guadalupanas / Matachines
Mar. 19
OLA Altar Society
Mar. 26
OLA MS Couples & EMOHC
Annual World Marriage Day Will be celebrated on Saturday, February 13th, 2021 at 2:00 p. m. Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores with a virtual Mass of thanksgiving (via Diocese of BrownsvilleYouTubechannnel for couples celebrating their wedding anniversary of 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, or more than 61 years in
the year 2021. These couples, who bear witness to God’s love through their love and commitment to each other, will receive by mail: ribbons designating years of marriage and an anniversary certificate signed by Bishop in the mail. The couples will have their names and number of years married announced and will receive a blessing by Bishop Flores.
To register for this event, call the Family Life Office at (956) 784-5012 as soon as possible.
La Celebración del Dia Mundial del Matrimonio
Se celebrará el dia sábado 13 de Febrero de 2021 a las 2:00 p.m. El Reverendísimo Daniel E. Flores celebrara virtual la Santa Misa de acción de gracias (a través del canal de YouTube de la Diocesis de Brownsville) para todas aquellas parejas quienes celebran sus 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 o mas de 60 años de casados en el año 2021. Las parejas que se inscriban recibirán un certificado firmado por el Se 0241or Obispo, listones anunciando los años de aniversario. Se anunciaran los nombres de las parejas y años de aniversario y también recibirán una bendición
del Señor Obispo. Para inscribirse, Favor de llamar lo mas pronto posible a la Oficina de Vida Familiar al: (956) 784-5012.