Christmas Break No CCE classes
December 20 — January 1
All CCE classes resume January 2.
Christmas Holiday The office will be closed Friday, December 24 and Monday, December 27.
Stewardship Advent
Follow Precepts and Register Precepts of Catholic Church
Fasting & Abstinence
Attending Mass & Holidays
Help the needs of the Parish
January Parish Envelopes
Throw 2021 envelopes
2022 envelopes have been mailed
Begin using envelopes on January 1, 2022
Roe vs. Wade 49th Anniversary Saturday, January 22
Come to pray the Rosary
BEFORE Mass inside the Church.
Roe vs. Wade 49th Aniversario Sabado, 22 de Enero
Venga ANTES de Misa a rezar el Rosario adentro de la Iglesia.
St. Blaise, Blessing of the Throats Saturday, Feb. 2 & Sunday, Feb. 3
Blaise, was a physician, and Bishop of Sebastea in historical Armenia. According to the Acta Sanctorum, he was martyred by being beaten, attacked with iron combs, and beheaded. He is the patron saint of throats.
Annual World Marriage Day
Will be celebrated on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. The Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores will celebrate Holy Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle National Shrine for those couples celebrating a wedding anniversary of 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or more than 60 years in the year 2022.
They are invited to participate in person or may join through the livestream that will be provided on Facebook and YouTube. These couples will receive by mail ribbons designating years of marriage and an anniversary certificate signed by the Bishop.
To register for this event, call the Family Life Office at (956) 784-5012 or email Lydia Riojas, FLO Secretary, at [email protected] by Friday, January 21, 2022 at the latest. Please provide your full names, mailing address, anniversary date and number years being celebrated.
Thank You, Guadalupanas for the Tamales Sale.
Donate Bottle Water For CCE Students
Students are allowed to bring bottled water to CCE class. For safety reasons, the water fountains have been disabled.
No other food or drinks are allowed in CCE classroom.
Thank you very much to all those who have donated water.
Bendición de las doce velas Buy 12 Candles
Light one candle every 1st of the Month
Encienda una veladora el primer día del mes
Una tradición invita a los cristianos a llevar doce velas o Veladoras a la Iglesia para que sean
bendecidas por el Sacerdote ó el Diácono.
Es una devoción con la que, a lo largo de todo el año, se expresa la confianza en la Divina Providencia, cada día primero del mes, en actitud de oración, cuando se enciende una de las velas.
La flama que en nuestros hogares, ante una imagen sagrada, va consumiendo la cera, representa la oración confiada y al mismo tiempo, la luz de Cristo resucitado, que ilumina nuestra vida de bautizados.
Antes de llevar las velas para que sean
bendecidas, es muy conveniente tener un rato de reflexión sobre lo que significa la confianza en Dios. Puede leerse en familia o individualmente el pasaje del Evangelio de San Mateo 6, 25-34.
Oración para ofrecer las Velas:
Señor, al iniciar un nuevo año regalo de tu generosidad, quiero expresar mi confianza en tu paternal providencia, te pido que al encender cada una de estas velas, el día primero de cada mes, no solo renueve mi confianza en ti, sino que también refuerce el compromiso de vivir como Jesús nos enseña, ayudando con su gracia. Amen.
Next Baptisms in English will be in January 2022. Register in December.
Texas Rally for Life in Austin January 22
Join us in defending life at the Texas Rally for Life on January 22, 2022 in Austin.
Cost of $25.00 includes transportation, breakfast and dinner plus a CDOB Pro-Life T-Shirt for this all – day event.