If you did not receive your envelopes and wish to be a parishioner. Come to the Parish office. and
register. Let us know of any changes in addresses, phone numbers, or any other changes.
Blessing of Baby Jesus Statues
After every Mass on December 19, 20, 24 and 15.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Thursday, December 24
4 PM Children's Mass
6 PM San Felipe Neri
Friday, December 25
Midnight Mass
10 AM Bilingual Mass
Noon Bilingual Mass
Bring flowers and present them to Our Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena
December 4 - December 12
Our Lady of Guadalupe Novenario de la Virgen Empezaremos Viernes, 4 de Diciembre al 11 de Diciembre a las 5:30pm en Our Lady of the Assumption Church ¡Todos invitados!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Saturday, December 12 5 AM Mananitas
5:50 AM Rosary
6 PM Mass
Bring Roses and present them to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Traigan Rosas y presénteselas a la Virgen de Guadalupe. Mass Book Opens January 5, 2021 for January, February, and March 2021.
Posadas start on December 16. Due to COVID-19, this year we will not have a Parish Group Posada. However, we are asking for immediate family members to have a Posada in their homes with family members and keeping with county guidelines.
We will have an insert on the weekend of December 12 & 13 with directions and songs on how to do a posada.
Posadas empiezan el 16 de Diciembre, pero este año por razón del COVID-19 no tendremos el Grupo de Posada de la Parroquia en el salón. Les estamos sugiriendo que celebren una Posada
solamente en cada hogar y solamente con los miembros de cada familia, siguiendo según las guías del Condado. Tendremos un volante con instrucciones, y cantos de como conducir una Posada, en el fin de semana del 12, y 13 de Diciembre
Advent Prayer
God of Love, Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us. He is a sign of your love. Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent, as we wait and prepare for his coming. We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
CCE CHRISTMAS BREAK No CCE Classes December 20 — January 2 CCE
Classes Resume
January 3, 2021
January Baptism Registration
The parish office is taking applications in December. Registrants will take two classes in January and baptize in January.
In Person—Parish Hall
Tuesday, December 15 (English)
Theme: Walk Through the Mass
Who needs to attend:
The parents of any CCE child in preparation for Baptism; Reconciliation/Eucharist or Confirmation.
The Sponsor of any student in preparation for Baptism or Confirmation.
Sponsors for any adult in RCIA preparing for Baptism or Confirmation.
NOTE: If your child is in Year 1 preparation for Reconciliation or Confirmation these classes may be completed next year. Parents/Sponsors must attend a minimum of 6 classes.
Clases requeridos para Padres y Padrinos de Niños en preparación para los Sacramentos y Padrinos para Bautismo o Confirmacion
Mary, Holy Mother of God Holy Day of Obligation
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Vigil, Mary Mother of God
4 PM Mass, followed by Holy Hour
Friday January 1
8 AM Mass Assumption
10 AM Mass Assumption
How to go to Confession
Do an examination of conscience and be sorry for your sins.
Go into the confessional and kneel; make the sign of the cross and say: “Bless me Father for I have sinned.”
Say: “This is my first confession (or how long it has been)”.
Confess your sins: Listen to the priest give you
Penance and Absolution.
Pray the Act of Contrition
Leave the confessional and say the penance that the priest gave and thank God for forgiving your sins.