Mass Book 2024
The Mass book will open December 11 for Mass intentions for January, February, and March.
Next Baptism in English
Will be in January 2024.
Need to Register in December.
Requirements for Baptism
PARENTS: Father or Mother are the only ones to Register Baby for Baptism.
Must live in the area of Our Lady of Assumption.
Child’s original birth certificate with name of city where born (required).
Child must be younger than seven years of age. If the child is older than seven years of age, he/she must attend CCE classes.
Must be older than 16 years of age and be willing to accept the responsibility of assisting the parents in developing the faith life of the child, and give them (i.e., practicing their Catholic faith, being married in the Catholic Church.
You only need one godparent, but if there are two, it must be a male and a female.
Must be married by Catholic Church Cannot be living together or married by J.P.
Are required to attend (one) Baptism class before they baptize. If you are late or miss the class, Baptism will be postponed until next Baptisms.
Must sign in by 3:45 pm on Saturday in the church
No babies/children will be allowed with parents or godparents during the classes.
There is a $30.00 fee at the time of registration.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration/Celebracion de Nuestra Sra. De Guadalupe
Tuesday, December 12
5 a.m. – 6 a.m. - Mananitas with Mariachis
5:30 p.m. – Rosary
6 p.m. – Mass/Mariachis
7 p.m. – Dinner & Danza in Hall
Present a Rose to Virgen of Guadalupe
Presente una Rosa a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Start on Saturday, December 16 and continue until Sunday, December 24.
Dec. 19 Janie Martinez (2722 N. Rose) Starts at 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 20 San Felipe Neri 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 21 Our Lady of the Assumption 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 22 Dolores Jaimez (722 W. Johnson) Starts at 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 23 Robert & Veronia Serna (8422 Drury Lane) Starts at 6 p.m.
Dec. 24 At Evening Masses (Our Lady of the Assumption/San Felipe Neri)
Want a posada in your home? Call the office so we can announce it.
Gran Posada Navideña
Jueves/Thursday, Diciembre/December 21
7 pm Salon Parroquial
¡Todos Bienvenidos!
Canciones Tradicionales de las Posadas / Coro de Niños / Matachines
Fotos Familiares
Habrá comida
Need donations of wrapped Candies. You can drop off donations in the parish office.
Traigan su postre favorito para compartir. Se invitan a los niños que se vistan de Pastorcitos y Angelitos.
Christmas Eve Masses
8 AM San Felipe (Play)
4 PM - Childrens Mass OLA (Play)
11 PM Caroling OLA
Christmas Day Masses
Midnight Mass (Play)
10 AM - Live Drama Play
Noon - Christmas Mass Play
No hay Misa en San Felipe Mision on Christmas.
NOTE: The Fourth Sunday of Advent is on December 24, Christmas Eve. Those Masses will be held at:
10 AM
Bring Chalk to be Blessed for the Blessing of your Home in New Year 2024
Sunday, Dec. 24 & Monday, Dec. 25
CCE Christmas Break
No CCE classes on Sunday, December 24 to Wednesday, January 5. All CCE classes resume Sunday, January 7.
Rev. Mr. Genaro Garza III will be Ordained to the Priesthood by Rev. Daniel E. Flores Bishop of Diocese of Brownsville
Saturday, December 30, 2023
9 a.m.
Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle
400 Virgen de San Juan Blvd. San Juan, TX
Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Begins Sunday, December 3 before Mass
Empezaremos Domingo, 3 de Diciembre a Diciembre 11, 2023 a las 5:30pm
en Our Lady of the Assumption Church *y Miercoles en San Felipe Neri* ¡Todos invitados!
Mary, Mother of God Day of Obligation Mass Schedule
Sunday, December 31
Vigil Mass – Bilingual
6 PM
Monday, January 1
10 AM
Parishioners (2024) Offertory Envelopes
Start using on January 7th your 2024 Envelopes. If you did not receive your envelopes, stop by the Parish Office to pick up envelopes.
Bendición de las doce velas
Buy 12 candles and light one candle every first of the month.
Encienda una veladora el primer día del mes
Una tradición invita a los cristianos a llevar doce velas o Veladoras a la Iglesia para que sean bendecidas por el Sacerdote ó el Diácono. Es una devoción con la que, a lo largo de todo el año, se expresa la confianza en la Divina Providencia, cada día primero del mes, en actitud de oración, cuando se enciende una de las velas.
La flama que en nuestros hogares, ante una imagen sagrada, va consumiendo la cera, representa la oración confiada y al mismo tiempo, la luz de Cristo resucitado, que ilumina nuestra vida de bautizados.
Antes de llevar las velas para que sean bendecidas, es muy conveniente tener un rato de reflexión sobre lo que significa la confianza en Dios. Puede leerse en familia o individualmente el pasaje del Evangelio de San Mateo 6, 25-34.
Oración para ofrecer las Velas:
Señor, al iniciar un nuevo año regalo de tu generosidad, quiero expresar mi confianza en tu
paternal providencia, te pido que al encender cada una de estas velas, el día primero de cada mes, no solo renueve mi confianza en ti, sino que también refuerce el compromiso de vivir como Jesús nos enseña, ayudando con su gracia. Amen
Commission Meeting
January 9, 2024
7 PM
Conference Room