We are VERY blessed to announce the work completed at San Felipe Neri! As his Eagle Scout project, Joshua Comisky, with the help of his father, Boy Scout Troop 1701, and a few other adults, added new crosses for San Felipe Neri’s Stations of the Cross.
There were three phases to the project, which started in January. The 14 crosses are 6-feet tall. They each have a plaque of the station in the middle of the cross and a border of purple decorative solar lights.
In the second phase, the existing crosses at San Felipe Neri were removed. New holes were dug, and the news crosses were placed.
The third phase was beautification. The crosses are encircled with rumble stones at the base and pea pebbles on the inside.
More than a dozen scouts from Boy Scout Trop 1701 assisted Joshua. The group, along with some adults, worked on the project Monday and Tuesday. Their hours of hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated.
Please take an opportunity this Lenten season to join use for Stations of the Cross at San Felipe Neri Friday at 6 p.m.